Eminem ft. Rihanna - Love the way you lie..

>> marți, 26 aprilie 2011

"Love The Way You Lie"

[Chorus - Rihanna]
Just gonna stand there and watch me burn
But that's alright because I like the way it hurts
Just gonna stand there and hear me cry
But that's alright because I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie

I can't tell you what it really is
I can only tell you what it feels like
And right now it's a steel knife in my windpipe
I can't breathe but I still fight while I can fight
As long as the wrong feels right it's like I'm in flight
High off of love, drunk from my hate,
It's like I'm huffing paint and I love it the more I suffer, I suffocate
And right before I'm about to drown, she resuscitates me
She fucking hates me and I love it.
Wait! Where you going?
"I'm leaving you"
No you ain't. Come back we're running right back.
Here we go again
It's so insane cause when it's going good, it's going great
I'm Superman with the wind at his back, she's Lois Lane
But when it's bad it's awful, I feel so ashamed I snapped
Who's that dude? I don't even know his name
I laid hands on her, I'll never stoop so low again
I guess I don't know my own strength

[Chorus - Rihanna:]
Just gonna stand there and watch me burn
But that's alright because I like the way it hurts
Just gonna stand there and hear me cry
But that's alright because I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie

You ever love somebody so much you can barely breathe
When you're with 'em
You meet and neither one of you even know what hit 'em
Got that warm fuzzy feeling
Yeah, them chills you used to get 'em
Now you're getting fucking sick of looking at 'em
You swore you'd never hit 'em; never do nothing to hurt 'em
Now you're in each other's face spewing venom in your words when you spit them
You push, pull each other's hair, scratch, claw, hit 'em
Throw 'em down, pin 'em
So lost in the moments when you're in them
It's the rage that took over it controls you both
So they say you're best to go your separate ways
Guess if they don't know you 'cause today that was yesterday
Yesterday is over, it's a different day
Sound like broken records playing over but you promised her
Next time you show restraint
You don't get another chance
Life is no Nintendo game
But you lied again
Now you get to watch her leave out the window
Guess that's why they call it window pane

[Chorus - Rihanna:]
Just gonna stand there and watch me burn
But that's alright because I like the way it hurts
Just gonna stand there and hear me cry
But that's alright because I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie

Now I know we said things, did things that we didn't mean
And we fall back into the same patterns, same routine
But your temper's just as bad as mine is
You're the same as me
But when it comes to love you're just as blinded
Baby, please come back
It wasn't you, baby it was me
Maybe our relationship isn't as crazy as it seems
Maybe that's what happens when a tornado meets a volcano
All I know is I love you too much to walk away though
Come inside, pick up your bags off the sidewalk
Don't you hear sincerity in my voice when I talk
I told you this is my fault
Look me in the eyeball
Next time I'm pissed, I'll aim my fist at the drywall
Next time. There won't be no next time
I apologize even though I know its lies
I'm tired of the games I just want her back
I know I'm a liar
If she ever tries to fucking leave again
Im'a tie her to the bed and set this house on fire
I'm just gonna

[Chorus - Rihanna:]
Just gonna stand there and watch me burn
But that's alright because I like the way it hurts
Just gonna stand there and hear me cry
But that's alright because I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie

 ♥ ♥ ♥ 



>> marți, 19 aprilie 2011

Neata. Again postare de plictiseala... Da, acuma stateam si ma gandeam cum toti avem regrete.. Ti se intampla des sa patesti ceva, sa cunosti pe cineva sau orice alt lucru ce te da peste cap incat sa-ti pierzi gandirea,ratiunea,tot. Iti dai seama in multe cazuri ca gresesti, dar nu poti, nu ca nu vrei neaparat, aici chiar nu poti sa te opresti. Spui lucruri pe care le regreti dupaceia o viata intreaga doar ca sa pari mai interesant in fata prietenilor tai, faci lucruri care dau dovada de o totala lipsa de respect.  Pici de prost/proasta in multe cazuri si poate chiar iti dai seama asta, da nu incerci destul sa opresti lucrurile, Ti se pare ca mai bine suferi pentru ceva/cineva decat sa stii ca il/o pierzi.. Si toate actiunile astea pe care le facem fara sa vrem neaparat sau de care ne dam seama ca is gresite au ca urmare o serie de regrete. Uneori chiar pe loc, la 2 minute dupa ce s-a intamplat, alteori dupa luni bune. Oricand ar fi, tot regreti, Te gandesti " Ce proasta am fost ca m-am comportat intr-un asemenea hal; De ce Doamne nu putea iesi altcumva?; Pot sa dau timpu inapoi?"...Tot felu de intrebari de genu asta care te framanta si care iti provoaca remuscari si regrete pe care numa tu le simti. Te doare, chiar daca nu recunosti mereu asta la toata lumea. Te doare, si nu poti face nimic sa schimbi asta acum. Poti doar sa regreti, sa iti versi lacrimi timp de minute,ore sau chiar zile bune din viata ta, doar pentru simplul fapt ca Regreti ce s-a inamplat, cum s-a terminat tot si multe alte exemple... Dar astea is momente din viata prin care toti trecem, care is Oribile, care par Interminabile si la care ai nevoie de cineva langa tine, altfel zilele ti se transforma intr-un adevarat calvar. Si partea cea mai proasta e ca de multe ori STIM ca ceea ce facem E RAU, dar NU ne OPRIM! Nu sunt singura care crede asta, li se intampla tuturor candva...

♥ ♥ ♥ 


Living surrounded by lies

>> vineri, 15 aprilie 2011

Mdea, neata (:|... Postare pe blog de plicitseala, monotonie, timp pierdut, so on so far ... Numa ca, asa se pare ca , in ultimu timp, trec zilele si nu se intampla nimic bine.Fiecare aceleasi ganduri, aceleasi preocupari, aceleasi interese si isi face griji sa ii fie lui bine, nu are grija altora in plan. Ne consideram prieteni, zicem ca suntem acolo mereu unul pentru altu, indiferent de situatie, " da la probleme, stim bine, fugim unii de altii ". Primesti lovituri care dor, chiar dor de la persoanele de la care te asteptai cel mai putin, intr-un moment in care te asteptai la fel de putin si tot tu ai de suferit. Altii isi fag griji, isi dau seama ca, ceva nu e in regula , pecand acei "prieteni" pe care sustinem toti ca ii avem nu observa nimica schimbat la tine, ba chiar mai fac si remarci tampite gen : Ce vesela esti azi! Texte mai bine zis, vorbe-n vant sa atraga si ei atenita cu ceva, sau cum sa arate ca le-ar pasa. Ai alaturi mai putine persoane decat degetele de la o mana pe care stii ca te poti baza oriunde, oricum si in orice moment in care ai nevoie de ei. Restu? Cu ce te ajuta? Ca iti zic servus din ani in pasti pe mess sau la telefon, sau iti dau mass cu sa-mi like la poza si asa. In rest, viata ta ar putea decurge apoape normal (depinde de caz) cu +/- unul dintre ei. Si nu uita, astia sunt cei pe care ii consideri prieteni, dispusi sa faca multe pentru tine, oricand . Cunosti persoane noi, vorbesti cu ele o saptamana - doua si iti faci o parere majora despre cum is. Apoi tu decizi daca ii respingi discret sau ii poti considera printre Adevaratii prieteni pe care ii ai. Restu, nu mai conteaza. S-ar bucura sa nu iti mai asculte problemele, numa sa le dai batai de cap in plus. La urma urmei, cu ce te ajuta ca stiu toti ce te framanta? Ajungi barfa mai usor pentru restu lumii sau ajungi sa te intrebi: De ce le-am zis lor toata astea, totusi? Tot ce fac e sa zica" Vaaai, imi pare rau, nu vroiam sa patesti asa ceva". Pai ce, ar trebui sa zica ca le pare bine? Au altceva de zis? Sa zica ca le pare bine e aberant, deci normal ca o sa te faca sa creada ca le pasa. Si astia sunt cei cu care traiesti in fiecare zi a vietii tale...

♥ ♥ ♥ 


Paramore - Crushcrushcrush ♥

>> sâmbătă, 9 aprilie 2011

Merci Carina ca mi-ai aratat piesa astaaaa. Ily :x !

I got a lot to say to you
Yeah, I got a lot to say
I noticed your eyes are always glued to me
Keeping them here
And it makes no sense at all

They taped over your mouth
Scribbled out the truth with their lies
You little spies
They taped over your mouth
Scribbled out the truth with their lies
You little spies

Crush, crush
(Two, three, four!)

Nothing compares to a quiet evening alone
Just the one-two of us, who's counting on
That never happens
I guess I'm dreaming again
Let's be more than this

If you want to play it like a game
Well, come on, come on, let's play
Cause I'd rather waste my life pretending
Than have to forget you for one whole minute

They taped over your mouth
Scribbled out the truth with their lies
You little spies
They taped over your mouth
Scribbled out the truth with their lies
You little spies

Crush, crush
(Two, three, four!)

Nothing compares to a quiet evening alone
Just the one-two of us, who's counting on
That never happens
I guess I'm dreaming again
Let's be more than this now

Rock and roll, baby
Don't you know that we're all alone now?
I need something to sing about
Rock and roll, hey
Don't you know, baby, we're all alone now?
I need something to sing about
Rock and roll, hey
Don't you know, baby, we're all alone now?
Give me something to sing about

Nothing compares to a quiet evening alone
Just the one-two of us, who's counting on
That never happens
I guess I'm dreaming again
Let's be more than
No, oh

Nothing compares to a quiet evening alone
Just the one-two of us, who's counting on
That never happens
I guess I'm dreaming again
Let's be more than
More than this
Ohoh ohoh ohoh

♥ ♥ ♥  



>> duminică, 3 aprilie 2011


1 Apr. : Ziua lui Bella, Kinga, Miha si ziua ciudatenilor !
8 Apr. : Ziua lui Alina
9 Apr. : Ziua lui Oana
15 Apr. : Vacanta !
16 Apr. : Ziua lui Sheena !
17 Apr. : Ziua lui Ketzy
18 Apr. : Luna Plina !
20 Apr. : 8 !
25 Apr. : Ziua lui Nicu
29 Apr. : Ziua lui Puuu si a lui Mishu
30 Apr. : Ziua lui Ady, Vlad si Adela

♥ ♥ ♥  


Lil' Wayne - Something you forgot

Piesa zice tot !
I've been lonely, I've been waiting for you
I'm pretending, and that's all I can do (that's all I can do mama)
The love I'm sending ain't making it through to your heart (I hope you hear me)

Pain, since I've lost you, I'm lost too
Nigga feelin' like he at the bottom like a horse shoe
Sorry for the trouble that I put you and your heart through
God knows that I'd do anything for a part two, or to
be prayin' for the day you come back to me, sayin' that you forgive me
Give me another chance, I'm needin' it like a kidney
I don't wanna advance, give me back her hands
Give me back her touch, I don't ask for much
but I fucked up, I know I fucked up, I admit I fucked up
but everybody fuck up, now this other nigga lucked up
Tellin' me and my clique don't give a fuck
Cause um, we from New Orleans, she was from Georgia
She was my down chick, I was her soldier
I was her gangsta, she was my shoulder
You were the pistol to my holster .. BANG!

You've been hiding, never letting it show
Always trying, to keep it under control (I see you hidin' it mama)
You got it down, and your well on your way to the top (keep doin' your thing)
 But there is something you forgot

You forgot about the house, you forgot about the ring
I remember everything, I just wanna hear you sing
I remember the love, right after the fights
You can't tell me you don't remember those nights
and if I would cry, then you would cry twice
To me you are the brightest star under sunlight
See take away my title, take away my stripes
You give me back my girl and you give me back my life
Give me back my girl and you give me back my life
See this is just a nightmare, so I blink twice
Open up my eyes hopin' she'd be in my sight
I remember the time, I wish I could bring it back
What she mean to me, is what I mean to rap (what I mean to rap)

 You've been hiding, (y'know) never letting it show
 Always trying (I see you hidin' it mama)

to keep it under control (but I know you know)
You got it down (I know you do)
and your well on your way to the top
(but I wish you and yours nothin' but happiness shawty)

[Verse 3:]
But I hope you haven't forgot about me up in the livin' room watchin' Sports Center
You were cookin' dinner, I was such a sinner, but the Lord is a forgiver
You know they say if you pray then you can get your blessings ordered and delivered
and your boyfriend is not like me
Ma you even went and got a teardrop like me
I remember we would sit at home all day
You called me "Butta", I called you "Babe"
My momma asked about you, my partners did too
I know your daughter will be so amazin' like you
and I know you probably wish you never met me, and I just wish you never forget me
and let me say, please don't worry 'bout the women I have been with
No engagement can amount to your friendship
and I hope that nigga know he got a queen, and all I can do is dream .. DAMN!

I've been lonely, I've been waiting for you
I'm pretending, and that's all I can do
The love I'm sending ain't making it through to your heart

♥ ♥ ♥




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